Fantastic! You're All Set to Place Your Printing Order
To begin, simply upload your files through WeTransfer. It's incredibly straightforward – no account necessary and it's completely free. The screenshot on the right shows their very simple interface.
Alternatives to WeTransfer are MailBigFile, Google Drive, DropBox or your own preferred large file transfer provider.
In the box, just add our email:, include your own email, and title of your project.
In the message field, please add your printing specifications, the number of copies you would like to print and a preferred delivery address.
Following this, we'll conduct a complimentary preflight check of your artwork to identify any possible issues. Rest assured, we'll send you any suggestions via email before we commence production if there are technical amendments we would recommend. This is a professional process rather than keeping your fingers crossed that the JPGs you have uploaded to a faceless website are correct - we are always here to answer your questions.
Once the files are ready for print, we will book the job in and send over an invoice for payment by bank transfer or card payment, whichever is more convenient for you.

How To Order Your Book
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